Cucurbito pepo This is an early variety, introduced in 1928, which will produce tender yellow squash in just 50 days. Harvest when 5-6 inches long for best texture and flavor. Summer squash. Most/full sun. 20+ seeds/pack. |
 (Cucurbito pepo) Turk’s Cap is a variety that has been available and grown in US gardens since the 1800s. Said to resembe a Turk’s Turban or Cap with a mild and sweet nutty flavor when baked. Mounding or climbing habit - will scramble over ground or can be trained to climb. Full sun. Annual. 10 seeds. |
 (Cucurbita maxima) Candy Roaster (or Pink Banana) squash look like yellow bananas when young and then mature to a large elongated salmon hued elongated winter squash with orange flesh similar to butternut. Each squash will be huge – they reach 30 pounds! Will scramble over the ground- provide plenty of room. Most/full sun. 10 seeds |
 (Cucurbita maxima) Blue Hubbard reach 30 pounds and keep throughout the winter. The squash have bright orange sweet flesh - well suited for use in winter stews, soups, and for roasting. Also pretty as fall decorations- pretty next to pumpkins! Will scramble - provide plenty of room. Most/ full sun. 10 seeds |
 (Cucurbito pepo) Acorn Squash varieties are prized for their long storage capabilities and sweet nutty flavor when simply cut in half and baked. ‘Table Queen” was introduced in 1913 and produces 6 inch diameter fully flavored yummy squash. Plants will need room to spread - 4 feet diameter suggested per plant. Most/full sun. 15 seeds |
 (Cucurbita moschata) Butternut is a winter squash developed by Charles A. Leggett in Connecticut in the 1940s. Charles crossed different types of squashes with the gooseneck squash, trying to come up with a squash that was easy to transport and store with good flavor and a thin rind. He named the squash Butternut because it was “smooth as butter and sweet as a nut”. Provide lots of room for plants to scramble (at least 10 feet). Most/full sun. 15 seeds |
 (Cucurbita pepo) Spaghetti Squash looks like a normal squash before baking but once baked the squash separates into individual strands that very much resemble spaghetti. Excellent sweet nutty flavor and very useful in many recipes. Most/full sun. 15 seeds |
 (Cucurbito maxima) Sweet Meat squash are a winter “keeper” squash from the Northwestern U.S. The beautiful flattened round grey squash are 10-15 pounds – beautiful in the fall. The bright orange flesh is sweet with a nutty flavor. Most/full sun. 15 seeds. |
 Native to the Americas, scallop squash were a favorite in Europe by the 1600s. Called Patisson Squash in France, Button Squash in Australia, and Patty Pan Squash in the United States, scallop squash are a favorite summer squash – use like zucchini. Yellow Patty Pan is a heavy producer – harvest squash young. Most/full sun. 15 seeds. |
 (Cucurbito pepo) Buttercup is a medium-sized (3-5 pound) favorite distinguished by its rich sweet bright orange flesh. Buttercup was first sold in 1931 after selective breeding of seeds from a chance cross in a squash field in North Dakota. Each plant will need 3-4 foot diameter to spread. Most/full sun. 15 seeds |
 (Cucurbito pepo) Grown by the Hopi, Cushaw Squash are native to the southwest United States. May be used as a summer squash when young or allowed to mature to a long-storing winter squash. Prized for pies, Cushaws are also called “sweet potato pumpkins.” Fruits are heavily produced on strong plants and 15-20 inches long.Mounding or climbing habit - will scramble over ground or can be trained to climb. Full sun. Annual. 15 seeds. |